Breakfast Briefing: Sunny places for shady people – the current landscape for offshore trusts
Offshore trusts capture a lot of attention. But when it comes to tax, how many people are aware of exactly how they work and how they are treated?
On 31 October our experts will provide an overview of how things currently stand and look at what could go wrong.
The team will be available to answer any questions following the presentations.
Topics and speakers
Offshore trusts – what are they and how do they work?
(Geraint Jones, Partner)
IHT treatment – what you need to know
(Terry Jordan, Senior Adviser)
What could possibly go wrong and remedies
(Doug Sinclair, Partner)
When: Tuesday 31 October 2017, 8:00-9:30am
Where: The Museum of London – Garden Room
150 London Wall
To book your place: please email
This event is aimed at solicitors, IFAs, bankers, and other professionals with clients who may have or be interested in offshore trusts.